Monday, February 1, 2021

Being Mindful of the journey enroute to the destination

Kiran & Nimi had got married on the same day as Shane & Nikki a little over two months ago. Today Kiran & Nimi are fighting due to irreconcilable expectations from their marriage whereas Shane & Nikki understand their differences & are mindful of the effect of their actions on each other & others in their household. So, they are couple goals personified.

Destination for Kiran & Nimi as well as Shane & Nikki on the day of their marriage: A happy married life

Binny & Nihal are in the same class (Std. X-A) & have gone to the same classes for tuitions. Exams are in two days. Binny is sleeping well & studying in an organised manner whereas Nihal is having sleepless nights terrified that he may pass out in the examination hall.

Destination for Binny & Nihal on the first day of Std. X: Good Marks in their board exams

Same or Similar Destination but markedly different experiences for Kiran & Nimi and Shane & Nikki as well as Binny & Nihal, why? Which of them have a greater probability of success in reaching their destination?

Shane, Nikki & Binny have been mindful throughout their journey so they are able to appreciate the little things & confront their obstacles effectively.

Zinger for the Day: In the midst of where you are going, don't forget to enjoy where you are.

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Being Mindful of the journey enroute to the destination

Kiran & Nimi had got married on the same day as Shane & Nikki a little over two months ago. Today Kiran & Nimi are fighting due ...