Wednesday, October 28, 2020

You are a Masterpiece

 Author: Reenu M.

Nikhil was lying face down on the pillow & sobbing. He did not care that neither his father nor his grandparents hated to see him cry… just because he was a boy! It was as if boys should not feel at all or be good at hiding them. His twin sister Nikita could hide her feelings easily. How she yearned for her father and grandfather to see all the wonderful things she could do; things that they would like Nikhil to do! Like studying business management in India or abroad and manage their family business. But Nikhil never felt he had the head for business. He was happy with his music & writing; he aced it and even had his own channel with tons of subscribers. His father… why, even his sister felt it was a big waste when he should be trying hard to excel at studying to go abroad to some fancy university to get a Management degree. Nikita wanted to… quite frankly, she could too… unfortunately, their father did not seem to care.

There was only one person who Nikhil could talk to and that was his Uncle Narendra Singh (his father’ elder brother) who he referred to as Tausa. He was the one who saw and encouraged Nikhil’ passion for music and became his teacher. He himself was a renowned musician who spent his time touring the globe for his various concerts. He was also

His Tausa picked up his call and heard Nikhil’ muttering interspersed with sobbing for a good 5 minutes after which he requested Nikhil to either sob or talk and that he was willing to hold the phone for either as long as it took. Nikhil told him about his dilemma - to be happy doing what he loved OR to just do what his father liked and not think too much.

His Tausa remained silent for a few seconds and told him, “My son, I had the same dilemma 20 years ago & then, your father was in Nikita’ position. But if you ask me, I will just say that I chose to do what I loved and let me tell you that I am very happy. However, I don’t know how I would be if I had chosen to do what your grandfather liked but still, I could definitely not be happier than I am now. Yes, it will tough, there will be obstacles, misses but it is OK. The result is worth it. You know what? My decision has paved the way to happiness for your father's happiness just as your wise decision could pave a way for your sister's happiness. She will get noticed after that initial drama just like your father was. All the best, my child. It is going to be OK; I am always with you.”


                        PC: Ri Butov from Pixabay

Zinger for the Day:

Walk Away,
Say NO,
Cancel Plans,
Take a Break,
Change your Mind,
Love your Flaws,
Be yourself.

You are a masterpiece!

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