Thursday, October 22, 2020

One Day or Day One

 Author: Reenu M.

Janani was sorting through the stuff in her parents’ room. Her parents were smiling at her from the photo hanging on the wall. She could not believe that her ever-smiling, ever-giving, ever-loving parents were gone. It had been a freak accident on the way to the resort for a relaxing vacation after her father’ retirement. It was her gift to them. Ever since she could remember, her parents were always working hard. There were loans to pay and the last loan was repaid just a year before her father retired. Her parents had always saved up whenever they could. They never cut corners for Janani, but they squeezed themselves. So, this vacation was Janani’ way of giving back.

Janani’ husband Shyam thought that it would be a great idea to sell this house because they lived miles away and would hardly come now that her parents were gone. Janani was very reluctant so they decided that for the time being, they would rent it out. Hence, they needed to know what to keep and what not.

As she was going through her parents’ papers, she came across crisp entries regarding the fixed deposits that were due to mature the next month. She was shocked to see that both her parents had been contributing small portions of money individually for the last twenty-five years towards fixed deposits renewed every year and the total amount stood to over Rs 10 lakhs. They had named it the “Seeing-the-world-together” fund.

Her parents had thought that one day, they would use this money to see the world together. Janani remembered all the times she thought they could live better. Instead, they were saving away for that one day. Janani had tears in her eyes as she went towards her parents’ smiling frame on the wall.

She lamented, “Oh Dada & Mumma, why did you not choose your 30th anniversary last year as that day to start your world tour?” Alas, her parents would never have that chance.

        Picture Courtesy: Long Truong @ unsplash

There was a lesson in it for Janani. Shyam & she had been putting off having a child till the day they were "settled". She realised that she needed to be wiser. After all, time waits for no one.

Zinger for the Day:

One Day Or Day One. You choose!

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