Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Happy and true

 Author: Reenu M.

It was Raunak’ last day at the IT firm where she had spent the last six years working in the pre-sales team and traveling all over the world. She had it all – a great resume and equally awesome personality traits to complement her job demands.

However, this was her parents’ dream not hers. They did everything possible to ensure that their dream came true and provided her with all possible resources to enhance her natural talents. They wanted her to bag a great job at an MNC, so that they could get a good match for her from either the US, Europe, or Australia. That is how they could ensure that their only daughter was set for life. And they were not wrong. Her friends’ parents thought so too and many of them were already happily married and settled abroad. But then again, Raunak’ friends wanted that life for themselves.

Not Raunak though!

She had always wanted to pursue a career in travel photography. She had loved travelling since she was very young. She was gifted her first digital camera when she was 13 years old and she clicked away like there was no tomorrow. That stopped within a few months because of preparation for exams. But she often managed to steal time for pursuing this hobby; it was an obsession. She was happiest with the camera, but she did not dare to mention it to her parents.  She was afraid that they would get angry at her apparent lack of respect for their efforts.

She was right. They were very angry when she told them a month ago of her decision to quit and start afresh in the field that she felt so passionate about. They were angry that their dream of seeing their daughter married & settled abroad came crashing down. They wondered where they had gone wrong.

Raunak tried to reassure them as best she could that they did everything right and she did everything to walk the path they had chosen for her. But something clearly was amiss. She was happy when she got those awards, promotions at her work; however, more so, when she was appreciated in her travel blog for her keen eye in her photographs that she took while travelling around the world.

About six weeks ago, her parents proposed that she marry their friends’ son. She liked Vyom, he was an awesome yet nerdy guy who loved to hide behind his gadgets and hated travelling of any kind.

She quit being someone else to please others. She chose to star in her own new story.

                                        Background photo created by freepik -

Zinger for the Day:

Be happy and true to being YOU.

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