Wednesday, October 28, 2020

You are a Masterpiece

 Author: Reenu M.

Nikhil was lying face down on the pillow & sobbing. He did not care that neither his father nor his grandparents hated to see him cry… just because he was a boy! It was as if boys should not feel at all or be good at hiding them. His twin sister Nikita could hide her feelings easily. How she yearned for her father and grandfather to see all the wonderful things she could do; things that they would like Nikhil to do! Like studying business management in India or abroad and manage their family business. But Nikhil never felt he had the head for business. He was happy with his music & writing; he aced it and even had his own channel with tons of subscribers. His father… why, even his sister felt it was a big waste when he should be trying hard to excel at studying to go abroad to some fancy university to get a Management degree. Nikita wanted to… quite frankly, she could too… unfortunately, their father did not seem to care.

There was only one person who Nikhil could talk to and that was his Uncle Narendra Singh (his father’ elder brother) who he referred to as Tausa. He was the one who saw and encouraged Nikhil’ passion for music and became his teacher. He himself was a renowned musician who spent his time touring the globe for his various concerts. He was also

His Tausa picked up his call and heard Nikhil’ muttering interspersed with sobbing for a good 5 minutes after which he requested Nikhil to either sob or talk and that he was willing to hold the phone for either as long as it took. Nikhil told him about his dilemma - to be happy doing what he loved OR to just do what his father liked and not think too much.

His Tausa remained silent for a few seconds and told him, “My son, I had the same dilemma 20 years ago & then, your father was in Nikita’ position. But if you ask me, I will just say that I chose to do what I loved and let me tell you that I am very happy. However, I don’t know how I would be if I had chosen to do what your grandfather liked but still, I could definitely not be happier than I am now. Yes, it will tough, there will be obstacles, misses but it is OK. The result is worth it. You know what? My decision has paved the way to happiness for your father's happiness just as your wise decision could pave a way for your sister's happiness. She will get noticed after that initial drama just like your father was. All the best, my child. It is going to be OK; I am always with you.”


                        PC: Ri Butov from Pixabay

Zinger for the Day:

Walk Away,
Say NO,
Cancel Plans,
Take a Break,
Change your Mind,
Love your Flaws,
Be yourself.

You are a masterpiece!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

One Day or Day One

 Author: Reenu M.

Janani was sorting through the stuff in her parents’ room. Her parents were smiling at her from the photo hanging on the wall. She could not believe that her ever-smiling, ever-giving, ever-loving parents were gone. It had been a freak accident on the way to the resort for a relaxing vacation after her father’ retirement. It was her gift to them. Ever since she could remember, her parents were always working hard. There were loans to pay and the last loan was repaid just a year before her father retired. Her parents had always saved up whenever they could. They never cut corners for Janani, but they squeezed themselves. So, this vacation was Janani’ way of giving back.

Janani’ husband Shyam thought that it would be a great idea to sell this house because they lived miles away and would hardly come now that her parents were gone. Janani was very reluctant so they decided that for the time being, they would rent it out. Hence, they needed to know what to keep and what not.

As she was going through her parents’ papers, she came across crisp entries regarding the fixed deposits that were due to mature the next month. She was shocked to see that both her parents had been contributing small portions of money individually for the last twenty-five years towards fixed deposits renewed every year and the total amount stood to over Rs 10 lakhs. They had named it the “Seeing-the-world-together” fund.

Her parents had thought that one day, they would use this money to see the world together. Janani remembered all the times she thought they could live better. Instead, they were saving away for that one day. Janani had tears in her eyes as she went towards her parents’ smiling frame on the wall.

She lamented, “Oh Dada & Mumma, why did you not choose your 30th anniversary last year as that day to start your world tour?” Alas, her parents would never have that chance.

        Picture Courtesy: Long Truong @ unsplash

There was a lesson in it for Janani. Shyam & she had been putting off having a child till the day they were "settled". She realised that she needed to be wiser. After all, time waits for no one.

Zinger for the Day:

One Day Or Day One. You choose!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Happy and true

 Author: Reenu M.

It was Raunak’ last day at the IT firm where she had spent the last six years working in the pre-sales team and traveling all over the world. She had it all – a great resume and equally awesome personality traits to complement her job demands.

However, this was her parents’ dream not hers. They did everything possible to ensure that their dream came true and provided her with all possible resources to enhance her natural talents. They wanted her to bag a great job at an MNC, so that they could get a good match for her from either the US, Europe, or Australia. That is how they could ensure that their only daughter was set for life. And they were not wrong. Her friends’ parents thought so too and many of them were already happily married and settled abroad. But then again, Raunak’ friends wanted that life for themselves.

Not Raunak though!

She had always wanted to pursue a career in travel photography. She had loved travelling since she was very young. She was gifted her first digital camera when she was 13 years old and she clicked away like there was no tomorrow. That stopped within a few months because of preparation for exams. But she often managed to steal time for pursuing this hobby; it was an obsession. She was happiest with the camera, but she did not dare to mention it to her parents.  She was afraid that they would get angry at her apparent lack of respect for their efforts.

She was right. They were very angry when she told them a month ago of her decision to quit and start afresh in the field that she felt so passionate about. They were angry that their dream of seeing their daughter married & settled abroad came crashing down. They wondered where they had gone wrong.

Raunak tried to reassure them as best she could that they did everything right and she did everything to walk the path they had chosen for her. But something clearly was amiss. She was happy when she got those awards, promotions at her work; however, more so, when she was appreciated in her travel blog for her keen eye in her photographs that she took while travelling around the world.

About six weeks ago, her parents proposed that she marry their friends’ son. She liked Vyom, he was an awesome yet nerdy guy who loved to hide behind his gadgets and hated travelling of any kind.

She quit being someone else to please others. She chose to star in her own new story.

                                        Background photo created by freepik -

Zinger for the Day:

Be happy and true to being YOU.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Real and so perfect

 Author: Reenu M.

Mitali was sitting with downcast eyes in front of her computer. Her mother who had come into the room to put the ironed clothes in the cupboard, saw Mitali looking so sad. She was very concerned and so she put an arm around Mitali and asked her what the matter was. Mitali said, “Mumma, the girls in my class were discussing about doing a video for our teacher Miss Kavita; it is her birthday. I love Miss Kavita, so I wanted to be part of this video, but they declined saying I was too fat and ugly, and they did not want to spoil their effort. You are so pretty and slim, Mumma. I am your daughter so how come I am not like you?” Saying this, she put her head into her hands and sobbed.

Her Mom gathered her close, wiped her tears and said, “My dear, yes, you are my daughter who paints and writes so well that even Miss Kavita told me at the PTA meeting that I should enable you to harness this talent. You know my writing; I can barely string words together. And painting? Remember, how I tried to do rangoli last Diwali and everyone asked me to stop wasting my time and tell you to do it?”

The recollection of that day brought a slight smile to Mitali’ face. Her Mom was encouraged to say further, “And who says that Miss Kavita can only receive a video? Did you know that she is a writer too and her late father loved to paint? Why don’t you make a painting & write something nice for Miss Kavita?”

Mitali was thrilled with her effort on her present for Miss Kavita whose birthday celebration was at the end of the online classes today. Some boys presented her with an online skit, and the girls presented their video. Others who were not included in skit or video just showed her their handmade cards. Miss Kavita oohed and aahed & smiled through all of it. When my turn came, & I presented a painting of her with a poem about her father talking about her. The whole class fell silent as Miss Kavita was crying and looked at me with scorn in their eyes. I was terrified at the hate messages popping on my phone when Miss Kavita spoke “Mitali, I missed my father so much today. When I see this awesome painting and read your lovely poem about my father speaking to me from beyond, I just felt so special and so loved. Thank you my dear, I will treasure this for the rest of my life”.

The messages stopped coming. I was so happy.

Zinger for the Day:

You were born to be real; so, you are perfect just the way you are.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The words-n-smile effect

 Author: Reenu M.

Neelima looked at her Covid test result with dismay. She had tested positive for Covid. She was wondering how she could be positive when she had done everything by the book. Sanitising herself and her apartment every half hour, getting everything ordered in at the doorstep instead of stepping out, paying bills online, social distancing with her neighbours; she had followed everything religiously. But when she caught that cold & fever which refused to leave her despite all the homemade remedies, she had gone for the test as her consulting doctor had suggested and now this result.

She did not even feel like eating the dinner she had prepared. Everything tasted like sawdust anyway. Luckily, her parents were staying with her brother in the US & had been stuck there due to the lockdown. They had been aghast at the news and lamented on how they should have been there to look after their Neelu. This made Neelima miss them even more.

Well, her doctor had told her to remain hydrated, so while she was sipping the hot water, she remembered that she had to intimate the Society office about her home quarantine. She dialled the secretary – Mr. Shetty who lived in the flat just above her’s. Mr. Shetty had been badly hit by Covid; in fact, he had been hospitalised for over 25 days since he had multiple comorbid conditions. Mr. Shetty was very popular person, always helpful, smiling and kind to not only the members but also the employees in Security, Housekeeping. So, the entire society had become gloomy when he was in the hospital and the day, that he had been brought home, it felt like Diwali.

Now, he heard Neelima and probably it was her bleak tone that prompted him to say, “My dear, give me 15 minutes & I will get you Aunty’ hot soup. Don’t worry, we will talk through the safety door” and promptly hang up.

I opened the main door & waited a little away from it. Mr. Shetty landed exactly fifteen minutes later. He told her very kindly, “My dear girl, you are young and healthy so treat Covid like an injury that you could not avoid. Remember, when you fell off the bicycle & scraped your knee? Did you stop cycling? No, right! You just rested and dreamed of what you do when you felt better. And, when you did, you cycled the remainder of that summer & others. In the same way, relax, have all the right food and medicines and dream of what you would do, when you get better”. He kept the bowl of soup on the table outside the safety door and left with the same smile as he had come in.

Suddenly, I was immensely cheerful, and smiling; probably the effect of Shetty Uncle’ smile & kind words. When my parents called again, I had finished Aunty’ delicious soup. Unlike the last time however, I was smiling and told them that the next 14 days was going to be rest & relaxation time. Looking at my smiling face, they started feeling better & my father could even manage to crack some jokes during our 20-minute conversation.

I realised how Shetty Uncle’ kind words and smiling face were reflecting & resonating with me & through me to my parents. I felt like I was in a valley of bright flowers. The gloom had passed.

    Thursday, October 15, 2020

    Worry focus

     Author: Reenu M.

    It had been Sethu’ first day at the new job.

    Till last night, his worry had been that HR of the new company would send him a letter saying that in view of the Covid scenario that had escalated, they were in a midst of a hire freeze so he need not join today. His last employer had even waived the notice period and let him go off early so there was no chance of going back there. His worries were unfounded. He joined today without any event.

    As he was thinking over the events of his first day, he could not help but worry over meeting the expectations of his boss and getting along with his team. His boss had been pleasant but firm in letting him know that he was quite result-oriented. His team was in the midst of a delivery crisis especially since 3 out of them were on sick leave having contracted Covid. He was expected to learn fast and do the tasks assigned to him at the daily team meeting online from tomorrow.

    His daughter Preeti brought out the tea since his wife Parvati had not completed her workday yet. Looking at his pinched face, she said, “What happened Appa? The new company is not good?”. He shook himself out of his reverie and said, “No da, they were quite pleasant. I am just thinking whether I will be able to meet the demands of this new job”. She laughed and said, “Oh Appa! You are always worried just that your worry changes from time to time. Till last night, you worried they may not hire you and since you could not go back to your old job, you would have to hunt for a new one. Just last month, when Covid outbreak started, you worried about us contracting Covid and how we would manage during lockdown without our maid and cook Nachamma. On New Year’, you were worried about whether you would be promoted & that is all you wished for. Just few months back, you were worried that so much travel in your previous job was hurting your diet and sleep. Where are all these worries now, Appa?”

    Sethu looked at Preethi & wondered where his teenage daughter got so much wisdom from. Not him for sure!


    Zinger for the Day:

    You won’t always have the worries that you have now.

      The Happiness Habit

      Author: Reenu M.

      Juhi was so happy when she left the building. She had landed her dream job after a series of really exhausting four interviews. There was so much competition, but she had aced it. She treated herself to pizza and cakes even though it was not her cheat day. Food really made her happy, but it also added many kgs onto her frame. Today, she did not care how many extra weight she put on; so euphoric was she. Shopping, another favourite activity was next on the cards. And, she shopped like a maniac; after all she, a small-town girl was shifting to Bangalore. The farthest she had ever been was to Delhi for visiting paternal family members. She was so excited about living without any restrictions as she had here.

      She reached home and seeing her parents’ face, the fizz in her happy spirits started reducing. They did not look like they were glad. Her mother just told her that tea was ready, and her father continued with his gardening after nodding at her.

      No congratulations, no pride in her achievement!

      Juhi was so upset that she missed a step and landed badly on her left ankle with all her shopping strewn around and under her. She was in terrible pain. Her father rushed her to the hospital where they said she had a ligament tear. Even though no cast was required, she was to be complete bed rest for at least two weeks. Juhi & her father came back in silence from the hospital. She felt this was such bad luck.

      Her mother fussed over her. Her elder sister, a counsellor practising in Kanpur arrived a short while later. Juhi complained how hurt she was at her parents’ attitude. She ranted over how she had always tried to make them proud of her but how she failed. Then there was this mishap.

      Her sister patiently listened to Juhi. Then she asked her, “Juhi, you landed your dream job. You were so happy that you bought a lot of things. But this job is going to take you away from our parents. They are proud of you, but they are going to miss you more especially since you won’t be coming home now & then like me. Instead of giving them time to digest this, you became upset and fell down. But, you have only a ligament tear and 2-weeks bed rest which gives our parents ample time to spend with you till you leave. Imagine if you had a cast, how would you have left for Bangalore? Instead of concentrating on the positives and continue being happy about your job, why are you choosing to focus on the minor things & complaining?”

      Juhi reflected on her sister’ words.

      Zinger for the Day:

      Happiness is a habit. Habit formation requires constant practice. Practise being happy every chance you get.

        Tuesday, October 13, 2020

        Sitting in Silence

         Author: Reenu M.

        Pallavi came out of her bedroom after giving her husband Girish yet another reminder that the cable & gas bills needed to be paid online tonight. It was nearly 8:30 p.m. which meant that if Girish did not pay the cable bill at least, their daughter Gargi was sure to create a ruckus. Gargi’ exams were getting over tomorrow and she was looking forward to catching up on her favourite TV shows. Pallavi realised that she had just half-hour remaining before spending time with Gargi to prepare for the last exam Social Studies. She still had the utensils from dinner to wash, clean the kitchen, fold, and iron the dried clothes, set up the things for making breakfast & lunch and make her TO-DO list for tomorrow.

        Meanwhile Girish was struggling with work. Two members of his team had taken sick leave because of extreme fatigue and suspected Covid in their respective families. He was frustrated because even while his team was shrinking, the delivery date was still the same. To add to the frustration, Pallavi would interrupt him constantly reminding him of things that he had to do. He wondered why Pallavi did not understand that if he did not work as per expectations, then bill payments would be a bigger problem.

        Both Pallavi & Girish were overwhelmed by the tasks still looming despite them slogging through the day. Even though they were separated by the wall dividing the drawing room, and the bedroom, they had identical thoughts – to sit in silence for 20 minutes without any guilt.

        The results were amazing.

        Pallavi did the folding and ironing of the clothes while she asked Gargi the answers to Social Studies questions. After 9:30 p.m., she put on music from the 80s. She washed the utensils, cleaned the kitchen, and sorted the vegetables while humming and singing.

        By 10:00 p.m. when she entered the bedroom to give Girish some coffee, he apologised for being short with her and told her that he had paid all the bills. He had told his boss very firmly about his resource issues and his boss had been open to his ideas of extending delivery.


        Zinger for the Day:

        Take a 20-minute break from your routine daily. Sit in Silence. It is OK!

          Monday, October 12, 2020

          Self-care isn't selfish

           Author: Reenu M.

          Neha & Meet woke up to the insistent ringing of their phone alarms. It was 5:30 a.m. Both of them wanted to snooze their alarms & sleep some more. They reviewed their choices – Sleep or Not-to- sleep.

          Meet had that presentation to complete which according to his boss needs to be sent immediately as it is given to him; he had received 15 reminders already. As if his hands could work magic. But before starting on the presentation, he had a lot to do. First, he had to sweep and mop the apartment. Maids were a huge risk for his aged parents in this time of Covid-19, so he & Neha had decided to do everything themselves. Then, he had to walk both his parents; they needed the exercise. Then, feeding them breakfast and giving them their medicines.

          Neha had an Australian client call at 9:00 a.m. for which she still had some preparations left to complete. She had the laundry to be done, clothes to be folded, utensils to be washed, breakfast to be cooked, children to be woken and set up for online class. Only after that could she get ready for the call.

          Both of them shrugged. The choice had been made – Not to sleep. A no-brainer really!

          When Meet’ mother went to use the restroom around 6:00 a.m., she found both of them doing exactly the same thing that they had been doing for months. They claimed it was their mantra for getting through any sort of crisis… well, Covid is one of the greatest that we have faced, right?

          Meet was engrossed in yoga and Neha was meditating.

          Meet’ mother smiled and thought about what her son had told her when she had strong misgivings about ‘wasting time’ when there was so much to be done.  Self-care isn’t selfish. If Neha & I are not fit physically & emotionally, how can all of you bank upon us? Remember Ma, how when we travel in airplanes, they say in case of emergency, put your own mask before assisting anyone else?”. Her husband and she have never missed their meditation routine at 10:00 a.m. ever since.


          Zinger for the Day:

          Self-care isn’t selfish. Practise self-care daily.

          Sunday, October 11, 2020


           Author: Reenu M.

              Mrs. Kotian shivered under her blanket. Torrential rains were pelting on her windowpanes. She did not have enough energy to close them or pick the phone much less answer the doorbell. This was all new to her because she did not have any major health issues and she had been careful about taking precautions post the lockdown imposed due to Covid. .

              She struggled again to get up to the loud pealing of her mobile phone. She failed miserably. She knew it must be her two daughters calling one after another from the States. She wanted to shout for help, but she was not even close to the window and there was nobody at home. Ever since the Covid-19 outbreak, she had been left all alone. Mr. Kotian had passed away two years ago and she could socialise with her family, friends and neighbours only virtually.

              She felt like Mr. Kotian was calling out to her but the more she tried to grab him,  the more she felt he was getting fainter and fainter.

              She opened her eyes a crack and found a blurred vision in white before it disappeared.

              She woke up and looked around to find that she was not alone. Another lady was laying in the bed about feet away. Her vision in white became clear; it was a nurse. Her name was Asha and she had quite a story to tell.

              Asha told Mrs. Kotian that her neighbours had broke open the lock of her house and got her here 3 days ago. It was touch-and-go for some hours in her battle against Covid but nobody including the doctors, nurses and herself had given up.

              The medical staff were putting their life at risk for her; someone who they had never met before. The same neighbours who she had taken care of by providing home-cooked food and virtual support during their time of need had made great efforts to be her support now; never mind the broken door. Life is more precious after all!


          Zinger for the Day:

          Even  as you lay worried & weary from this battle against Covid-19, know this in your heart – We are all in this together. We got your back as you have ours.”

            Saturday, October 10, 2020

            Mental Health Awareness: Let's Talk

             Author: Sneha S.

                Mental health is one of the most neglected areas of public health in the world. Countries spend just 2% of their health budgets on mental health. However, close to 1 billion people are living with a mental disorder, 3 million people die every year from the harmful use of alcohol and one person dies every 40 seconds by suicide. And now, billions of people around the world have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a further impact on people’ mental health. 

                However, there is a stigma attached to talking about mental health issues which needs to end now because we need to be mindful that emotional health is an important part of overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. They are able to cope with life’s challenges. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships. 

                Being emotionally healthy does not mean you are happy all the time. It means you are aware of your emotions. You can deal with them, whether they are positive or negative. Emotionally healthy people do still feel stress, anger, and sadness. But they also know how to manage their negative feelings. They can tell when a problem is more than they can handle on their own. They also know when to seek help from their therapist / counsellor. 

            Research shows that acquiring and maintaining emotional health is a skill. You can practise “Emotional Hygiene” to improve your emotional health and be happier. 

            • Be aware of your emotions and reactions: Become aware of those things in your life that make you feel sad, frustrated, or angry and catalogue them in a journal. Then, make a plan to address or change them.
            • Manage your thoughts and feelings: Learn relaxation methods like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise to cope with stress due to negativity in thoughts and behaviour.
            • Think before you act: Give yourself time to think and be calm before you say or do something you may regret later. 
            • Express your feelings in appropriate ways: Talk to family, friends when something is bothering you. If it is bothering you persistently, talk to a counsellor. Keeping feelings of sadness or anger inside can cause problems in your relationships at home, at work or at school and put you in the middle of a negative cyclic triad of thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
            • Take care of your physical self: Exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, and get enough sleep. Do not abuse drugs or alcohol. Prevent your physical health from affecting your emotional health. 
            • Strive for balance: Find a healthy balance between work and play, and between task and rest. Make time and focus on things that you are passionate about in your life.
            • Find purpose and meaning: Figure out what is important to you in life; it could be your family, your work, volunteering, caregiving, or anything else. Spend your time doing what feels meaningful to you.
            • Connect with others: Make a lunch date, join a group, and say hello and /or smile at strangers. Make meaningful and enduring connections with other people.
            • Stay grateful: Focus on being thankful for the good things in your life. Forgive yourself for making mistakes and forgive others.


            Zinger for the Day: If you are finding it difficult to practise Emotional Hygiene daily, then seek a counsellor. Dodge the stigma. Talk about your feelings and your moods. We are here to listen. Come and be part of the conversation.

            Self-Care: Add that zing to your mood

             Author: Reenu M.

            Since the Covid-19  outbreak early this year, we have been extra careful about shielding our body from the often deadly coronavirus.

            We practice physical hygiene diligently. We wash our hands frequently, wear face masks and maintain social distance. If we even suspect that we may be coming down with a cold, we become rigorous in first aid like salt-water gargling, steam inhalation, hot food, and beverages and over the counter medications. If infection persists, then we consult the experts for diagnosis, medication and even hospitalisation and intubation.

            Thus, we are protecting our physical self by ordered practice of

            • Physical Hygiene
            • First Aid
            • Consultation with Experts

            What about our emotional self?

            In the last few months, many if not all of us have been victims to turbulent emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, stressed, anxious, fear. Some of us have consulted counsellors when these emotions have disturbed us so much that we have become dysfunctional. However, there are people who have suppressed these feelings. Even after becoming dysfunctional, they continued to wallow in these negative emotions to the point of suicide.

            Maybe it is the stigma attached to talking about mental health issues or maybe it is lack of awareness. We have to stop stigmatising talking about mental health issues; many of these may be remedied by emotional first aid and hygiene practices. Still, if people are unable to cope with their emotions, help is available; talk to a counsellor. They are ready to listen without judgement or prejudice; so, come & have the conversation.

            It may be prudent to point out that we suffer emotional injuries more frequently than we do physically. If we are aware of the first-aid practices, then we could dull the pain from them faster before it starts interfering in our daily life routines.

            An emotional injury stems from a trigger event and affects our Thoughts, Feelings and Actions in a cyclic manner i.e. Thoughts affect Feelings & Actions, Feelings affect Thoughts & Actions and Actions affect Thoughts  & Feelings. Emotional First Aid may be applied at any level - Thoughts, Feelings or Actions and it dulls the pain from emotional injuries. 

            Let us take an example which some of us (especially those balancing work-from-home with household tasks) may have faced since the lockdown in March -

            • Trigger Event: My family members and I have a huge fight over my lack of contribution in household chores & I was called ‘absolutely useless’ (EMOTIONAL INJURY).
            • My feelings: I feel hurt, anxious, & depressed.
            • My Actions: I make mistakes in my work which makes my boss angry. I failed him.
            • My Thoughts: I am unlovable, unworthy & an utter failure.

            I apply Emotional First Aid at Actions level. I visualise positively how my situation should ideally be i.e. I am appreciated by my family members and my boss for the hard work and longer-than-usual hours that I am putting in.

             Here is the change that happens in -

            • My Feelings: I feel peaceful and confident about myself.
            • My Actions: I divide my time in a smart manner between household & office tasks giving both appropriate priority at the right time.
            • My Thoughts: I am worthy. I am sure I can do a great job that will be appreciated
            • What happens? My family & my boss are pleased with my work & they appreciate me.

            Anyone can practise Emotional First Aid. True. However, we can prevent harm from emotional injuries by practising Emotional Hygiene daily through -

            1. Meditating: Different techniques focusing on mindfulness, spirituality, transcendence, progressive relaxation twice daily (morning after rising and evening before going to bed shown to be most effective)
            2. Exercising: Take 20-30 minutes daily to activate your muscles and release the stress through exercise, yoga.
            3. Indulging nature: Tend to plants or pets for some time each day. Their positive energy will rejuvenate you.
            4. Motivating Self: Practise saying good, motivational words to yourself in the mirror (real self). Hearing great and positive things about yourself is good for lifting many a dark mood.
            5. Positive Visualising: Close your eyes and see a very happy version of yourself through your mind' eye and introspect on what can bring about this happiness. Your mind will make pathways to make this happen.
            6. Cataloguing Emotions: Write every aspect (your feelings, thoughts) of events that disturb you or make you happy. Slowly, a pattern of your reactions will emerge which will enable you to formulate a plan of action for resolution (in case of disturbance) and replication (in case of happiness).
            7. Fostering Relationships: Engage in meaningful and supportive relationships and nurture them constantly by being there and calling out for help. Talking to a support group is one of the best forms of therapy for emotional injuries.
            8. Engaging your passion: Find a hobby that excites you like singing, dancing, painting reading. Indulge in it for some time daily; it will relax and rejuvenate you.
            9. Being grateful: Thank everyone who makes you happy; it could be your parents, spouse, children, friends, pet or even a random stranger. The positive energy vibrations will uplift you.
            10. Volunteering: Give back to the society in whatever you can.


            Your self-care routine should ideally encompass both your physical & emotional self for contentment and happiness. Practice till it becomes a habit and slowly you will see that it becomes a personality trait.


            Zinger for the Day: Practise self-care daily to add that zing to your moods. Feel free to feel it.

            Being Mindful of the journey enroute to the destination

            Kiran & Nimi had got married on the same day as Shane & Nikki a little over two months ago. Today Kiran & Nimi are fighting due ...